Tuesday 1 October 2002

Australia (2002)

June, 2002 Blue Mountains National Park: New South Wales
Took a day trip in the car from Sydney to the Blue Mountains. Its around 90km to the Mountains and we drove around to various lookouts and points of interest. The most well know being Echo Point in Katoomba which offers an amazing view over the Three Sisters sandstone rock formations and into Jamison Valley. We also took a few nature walks with one down the Giant Staircase down a cliff into the Jamison Valley.

The 3 Sisters and Jamison Valley
Me at a Blue Mountains viewpoint
Blue Mountains
Me at a Blue Mountains viewpoint

(28.7.2002) Bald Rock National Park: New South Wales

Bald rock is a large granite outcrop rising about 200 metres above the surrounding landscape. Measuring about 750 metres long and 500 metres wide this is the largest granite monolith in Australia. There are 2 paths up from the forest that lead to the summit at 1277m above sea level. We took both in a 3 hour circular walk. Started with the steep path up the exposed face with a bit of scrambling. The summit offered a panoramic view of the surrounding bushland, but the vegetation on top prevents a full 360° view. We descended via canyons and stone arches down the long path back through the forest bushland.

Steep path up Bald Rock
Me on the climb
Bald Rock Summit

 Magnetic Island National Park: North Queensland

(2.9.2002) Spent a few days walking around Magnetic Island. Stayed in Nelly Bay and the first day we did the forts walk, treking to the various forts that were used in WW2.
(3.9.2002) On Day two I did a solo trek, 14km through bushland and on paths from Nelly Bay to Arcadia, Florence then Horseshoe bay before returning back on the road.

(4.9.2002) On the final day I walked 24km from Nelly bay to Picnic bay and then onto West point. Watched the sun go down. Had to walk back in the pitch darkness until a group of Australians offered me a lift back.

    Arcadia Bay

Picnic Bay

West Point
Great Sandy National Park, Fraser Island: North Queensland
(13.9.02) Took a two night, three day 4x4 camping trip to Fraser Island. The first day we sailed from Hervey Bay to the island and took the boardwalk along the crystal clear waters of Wanggoolba Creek. We travelled East to Central Station  then bush walked through the tropical rainforest and world heritage listed Satinay Forest to Basin Lake which is situated on top of a sand dune. We spent a couple of hours swimming and exploring before walking back to central station and then headed north to Lake Mckenzie where we spent a couple of hours swimming and lazing around. We then drove North along 75 mile beach to set up camp just off the beach and had a good bevy.

Wanggoolba Creek
Basin Lake
Basin Lake

(14.9.02) Drove North again along 75 mile beach and stopped off to explore the S.S .Maheno shipwreck. We then headed north again to set up our final camp and climbed up to the rocky outcrop of Indian Heads. We then trekked around the sand dunes of Hammerstone Sandblow and again had a good drink with other travellers.  

S.S .Maheno shipwreck
S.S .Maheno shipwreck
S.S .Maheno shipwreck
Me having a beer on the sandblow
Me rolling down the sandblow

(15.9.02) The final day we travelled South to Eli Creek and floated down the fastest flowing creek on the island with a cheeky beer in hand. Then we trekked 2.4km through the tropical rainforest to Wabby Lake. This emerald green lake is surrounded by a massive sandblow and native Eucalypt forest. We rolled down the sandblow and swam in the lake before returning to the 4x4 and thensailing back to Hervey Bay.

Eli Creek

Wabby Lake

Ptarmigan November Meet (Callander)

(6.11.2016) Ben Vane & Ben Ledi, 23km. 7hrs. 1,067m ascent Ptarmigan November Meet high tea was at the Lade Inn, just outside Callande...