Thursday 11 December 2008

Ben Vorlich (Loch Earn)

Ben Vorlich, Loch Earn (985m/ 3231ft) 11.12.08, 5 hours 30 min

Started at Loch Earn and followed the path, South up from Ardvorlich House into Glen Vorlich. The view North was clear over loch Earn and the Lawers range in the distance. We ascended up through the steep corrie, Coire Buidhe as we lost our bearing and the path due to thick snow and ice.  This corrie was very steep and thick with snow so we had to tread carefully in a zig zag direction. We found the path on the ridge near the summit and scrambled up to the trig point then. We descended North via the path on the sgiath nam tarmachan ridge back to Loch Earn . The walk started off with snow them cloudy followed by outbreaks of sunshine but a lot of mist. Summit was above the clouds with visibility clear towards the east and south but misty in the west. A tough but great mini horseshoe winter route. Ice axes and crampons required for next time though.

Steve and Ben Vorlich
Me and Ben Vorlich
Start of the walk
On the ascent
Looking back North to Loch Earn
Ascending the corrie
Clear skies
In the clag nearing the summit
Ben Vorlich summit
Summit ridge
Summit Inversion
Summit trig point
Steve leading the descent
Descending out of the clag
Nearly back at Loch Earn
Ben Vorlich zoomed

Ptarmigan November Meet (Callander)

(6.11.2016) Ben Vane & Ben Ledi, 23km. 7hrs. 1,067m ascent Ptarmigan November Meet high tea was at the Lade Inn, just outside Callande...