Saturday 19 October 2013

The Easain's

(19.10.13) Stob Coire Easain & Stob a’Choire Mheadhoin: 7hours, 16km,1294m ascent

Very early start as Lucas picked me up around 5.30. Forecast wasn’t great,clag base around 600m. Took the minor road at Fersit and parked N of An Dubh Lochan. Headed over the scrub and the fence in a S direction to the minor summit of Creag Fhinaclach above Loch Treig. Then we headed over and scrambled up  Meall Cian Dearg via the path. The ridge became broad again as we headed SW climbing gently up to the top at 978m before curving above Stob a’Choire Mheadhoin 1105m. Saw a group of ptarmigan but apart from that views where zero as we were in thick clag. It wa cold on the summit with a light drizzle. Again I worried about tinnitus but I was okay. A couple of pics at the summit then we descended to the bealach then followed the steep path to the summit of Munro number 2 Stob Coire Easain 1115m. Couple of pics then descended back the way we came NE.

Ptarmigan November Meet (Callander)

(6.11.2016) Ben Vane & Ben Ledi, 23km. 7hrs. 1,067m ascent Ptarmigan November Meet high tea was at the Lade Inn, just outside Callande...