Sunday 14 December 2014

Highways Hillwalking Club December Meet (Peebles)

(14.12.2014) Hundleshope Height 685m, 15km, 5hrs

 A direct ascent of Hundleshope Height 685m was made by walking South up Glen Sax as far as the house at Upper Newby then up the ridge and over Dead Side to the summit. It was a wild and windy day with occasional flurries of snow and rainy spells and large patches of snow near the summit. It was too windy on top for a lunch break so we headed north and dropped down into the valley towards Crookston then back along a quiet road to Peebles, arriving near the road bridge.

Sunday 7 December 2014

Ptarmigan December Meet (Glen Almond)

(7.12.2014) Amulree Grahams, 14km, 5hrs

Me and Graham were dropped off just before the Amulree Hotel on the A822 and followed the road until we took the land rover track up to Girron Farm. We stayed on the track for a few km until we saw Meall nan Caorach 624m. The summit was clear after a brief white out. We then continued down the ridge to the 587m top before descending downhill then following the fence line SW up to the summit of Meall Reamhar 620m.  We continued on SW down to the landrover track and followed the road back to Sma Glen . The snow was soft to walk on but there was long periods of white out conditions.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Ptarmigan November Meet to Moffat

(2.11.2014) Saddle Yoke to White Coomb, 17km,5hrs,50min

The Ptarmigan club bus dropped us off at Blackshope Cottage and we made our way N up the South ridge of  Saddle Yoke then Under Saddle Yoke 745m. There was a strong South Westerly so decided to leave out Hartfell. From here we headed NE down to Rotten Bottom then up to Firthhope Rig 800m before the final pull SE to White Coomb. We then traversed the boggy ground N then E up the slopes to Lochcraig Head and then descended SE down by Loch Skeen and down the Grey Mare’s Tail Waterfall to the bus. The weather was sunny spells and showers with a strong wind.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Mayar & Driesh

(12.10.2014) Mayar & Driesh, 5hrs10mins, 18.5km

This was to be my first trip out with the Highways Hillwalking club bus, destination Glen Clova. Me and Tom started at the Glen Doll car park and headed through the forest towards Corrie Fee. Followed the path up through the corrie then headed SW uphill towards the summit of Mayar 928m. Headed NNE following the fence posts along to the bealach , up the slope and along the wide bealach to the summit of Driesh 947m. We continued on NE  hen SE, descending down the Sneck of Farchal to the bealach and then up to the summit of the Hill of Strone 850m. Then we made our way down the broad ridge along by Cairn Inks, following the fence line down then NE down to the Glen Clova Hotel for a pint. The day was warm with sunny spells.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Glenshee Ptarmigan Meet

(5.10.2014) Glen Clunie to Glenshee Ski Centre via An Socach,18km,6hrs

Dropped off from the Ptarmigan club bus on the A93 at Glen Clunie then headed SW passed Baddoch Farm and up Baddoch Glen on the landrover track.  Followed the track for a few km before it petered out then we made our way directly uphill in a NW direction onto the ridge and took a bearing to the summit. After the summit we dropped down NE slightly due to the gale force North Westerly before taking a bearing SE, descending down the scree and heather back to Baddoch Burn.  We crossed over the burn and ascended the boggy, rough peaty ground up to Loch Vrotachan. Headed NE on the path to the summit of Carn Aosda which was even difficult to reach due to the strong winds. I had trouble standing upright. Descended down S back to the ski centre where we waited for the bus. 

Sunday 14 September 2014

The Cairnwell Munros

(14.9.2014) The Cairnwell Munros, 13.1km, 4hours 6min. Ascent 595m

Took my mate up his 2nd/3rd & 4th Munros. We left the cafe and headed North around the ski paraphernalia and up the stoney path to the summit of Carn Aosda 917m. Sunny, hazy views, claggy at the cairnwell. Made our way SW along the broad ridge to the belach above Loch Vrotachan. Headed  round above the broken crags of Creag a'Choire Dhirich, along by a couple of small lochans before summit of  Carn a'Gheoidh 975m where we had lunch. We then aimed NE for the top Carn na Sac 920 before hitting the bealach 808m and then joining the path up to the summit of the Cairnwell 933m in the clag. We then took a direct descent NE over rough and pathless ground back to the start.

Ptarmigan November Meet (Callander)

(6.11.2016) Ben Vane & Ben Ledi, 23km. 7hrs. 1,067m ascent Ptarmigan November Meet high tea was at the Lade Inn, just outside Callande...