Saturday 26 July 2014

White Mounth Munros (Glen Muick)

(25-26.7.14) White Mounth Munros (Glen Muick) 29km,1228 ascent

Headed up early Friday, Steve picked me up then we stopped off for supplies in tesco before a fish supper in Ballater. Suited and booted then we were off around 6pm. Followed the track west to the Spittal of Glen Muick then up crossing  the north side of the Allt na Guibhsaich.  It was a warm night with temperatures in the mid twenties. Soon we hit the bealach with great views over to Lochnagar’s northern corrie and the lochan. We then climbed up the track known as ‘the ladder’ hopping over the boulders up onto the plateau  then continued around the edge of the cliffs to the first top of Cac Carn Mor then the true summit Cac Carn Beag 1156m. It was a beautiful night to be up on the summit at dusk. We decided to continue on and traverse across the plateau SW.  By this time the colours of the day were fading so got the head torches out. Made our way over to the Stuic with views down Lochan nan Eun. Abit of compass work was required as it was now dark. Took a bearing South to the summit of Carn a’ Choire Bhoidheach 1110m. From the summit I took another bearing SW to meet up with the faint path. We crossed the Allt an Da  Chraobh  Bheath and found a flattish bit of ground to set up the tent at around 950m . Cracked open the tins and a couple of whiskeys to pass the night and admire the stars. Woke up during the night freezing, lessons learned, don’t just take a sleeping bag liner. 

In the morning a couple of cereal bars, packed up the tent then  climbed the 100 odd metres to the summit of Carn an t-Sagairt Mor 1047m . Visited the RAF Canberra wreckage just North of the summit. We continued on SE on the stalkers path to Cairn Bannoch,1002m and then to the final munro Broad Cairn,998m with views to Loch Muick. Descended down the boulder field then along the track above Loch Muick before heading down by Loch Muick and back to the Spittal of Glen Muick. Headed back to Braemar, got a hostel for the night then had a scran and a good few scoops.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Ptarmigan Meet (Aonach Mor)

(6.7.2014) Aonach Mor South East Ridge, 633m 5 hours

My first walk with the walking club. One of the members wanted to head up the South East ridge of Anoch Mor so we headed through Leanachan Forest looking for a way onto the ridge. We ended up crossing through the forest, over boggy ground and then over deforestation  until we finally made it onto the ridge of Tom na Sroine. The terrain to get there was very rough and the going very hard. At around 700m we realised we would not have enough time to summit therefore we crossed the Allt Choille rais, headed to the viewpoint Sgurr Finniosg 663m then descended  under the gondola by the Allt an Sneachda back to the car park.

Ptarmigan November Meet (Callander)

(6.11.2016) Ben Vane & Ben Ledi, 23km. 7hrs. 1,067m ascent Ptarmigan November Meet high tea was at the Lade Inn, just outside Callande...