Sunday 14 September 2014

The Cairnwell Munros

(14.9.2014) The Cairnwell Munros, 13.1km, 4hours 6min. Ascent 595m

Took my mate up his 2nd/3rd & 4th Munros. We left the cafe and headed North around the ski paraphernalia and up the stoney path to the summit of Carn Aosda 917m. Sunny, hazy views, claggy at the cairnwell. Made our way SW along the broad ridge to the belach above Loch Vrotachan. Headed  round above the broken crags of Creag a'Choire Dhirich, along by a couple of small lochans before summit of  Carn a'Gheoidh 975m where we had lunch. We then aimed NE for the top Carn na Sac 920 before hitting the bealach 808m and then joining the path up to the summit of the Cairnwell 933m in the clag. We then took a direct descent NE over rough and pathless ground back to the start.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Goatfell (Isle of Arran)

(7.9.2014) Goatfell corrie to Brodick 15.8km 6hours 26mins

 It was an early start with Ptarmigan Club as we got on the bus at 7am to travel to Ardrossan for the ferry to Arran. Me and Shane got on the local bus to Corrie then followed the path up West up Coire Lan to North Goatfell 768m. We then headed NE to the minor top Mullach Buidhe 829m before heading back along the ridge.  We had fun scrambling & taking the path over the granite pinnacles and boulder fields to the summit of Goatfell 874m. We then descended  down the East ridge, the shoulder of  Meall Breac then South down the tourist path back to Brodick Bay. A couple of cheeky pints were to be had before the ferry back to Ardrossan.

Ptarmigan November Meet (Callander)

(6.11.2016) Ben Vane & Ben Ledi, 23km. 7hrs. 1,067m ascent Ptarmigan November Meet high tea was at the Lade Inn, just outside Callande...