Saturday 17 October 2015

Blair Atholl Weekend

(16.10.15) Blair Atholl – Allt Scheicheachan Bothy, 9.5km.2hrs,55min

(17.10.15) Bothy – Beinn Dearg – Blair Atholl 21km, 5hrs,31min.

 Headed up on the Friday evening with Tam. After buying booze in Pitlochry, suited and booted we were off up the landrover track North of Blair climbing out of Ben Banvie. Overtook by a couple o guys on bikes. Followed the track as it winds above the eastern side of the Allt an t-Seaphail, over a low bealach at 514 metres. Got into the bothy to find it warm. A guy from manc and his Chilean girlfriend. The 2 lads from Fife and another guy from Cumbernauld. A good night was had in the bothy with beer, wine, whiskey, music and banter.

The next day Tam wasn’t up for an ascent of Beinn Dearg. After a frosty morning I headed up myself up the old stalkers path NE to the summit of Binn Dearg. Had lunch and admired the views before returning the same way to the bothy. Packed up my stuff & we headed S back to Blair Atholl. Dry and sunny day. Clouded over later

Sunday 11 October 2015

Highways October Meet (Butterbridge, Arrochar Alps)

(11.10.2015) 10km, 5hrs,42mins   Binnein an Fhidhleir (Stob Coire Creagach)

Headed North from Butterbridge up the steep slopes through the grassy gully between the crags. Further up we zig zagged around more crags before hitting the summit of Stob Coire Creagach 817m. After processcco and whiskey for Henry’s final Corbett we headed W along the ridge to the top Binnein an Fhidhleir 811m. After the top we descended W the SW down the ridge by An t- Sron. Followed  the minor road to the Cairndow Hotel for a pint. A wee bit windy and a light shower.

Sunday 4 October 2015

Ptarmigan Oct Meet (The Lake District)

Skiddaw (The Lake District) (4.10.2015) 5hrs 45min, 20km.

Dropped off at the roundabout outside Keswick then headed North Through the small hamlet of Applethwaite & then NE onto Skiddaw Little Man summit 865m. From here we headed up to the summit of Skiddaw 931m. Had lunch then descended down the steep scree, Skiddaw Slate. We then headed NW along the nice wee ridge to Longside & Ullock Pike. Returned back along the ridge to Carl Side then South down to Braithwaite. The weather was cloudy but clear at the summit.

Thursday 1 October 2015

The Tarmachan Ridge

Meall nan Tarmachan (The Tarmachan ridge) (1.10.2015) 4hrs,36min. 13.5km

Pulled a fast one from work with me & Graham taking advantage of the good weather. Parked at the Ben Lawers car park and headed NW up to the minor top at 923 before the slight descent to reach the summit plateau and summit 1044m. After the summit we headed SW following the path passed a minor lochan then up to the summit top of Meall Garbh 1026m & then along the ridge. Descended W to the bealach then the short climb to the next top Beinn an Eachan  before descending to the next bealach. Headed SE across grassy slopes to the track and back to the start.

Ptarmigan November Meet (Callander)

(6.11.2016) Ben Vane & Ben Ledi, 23km. 7hrs. 1,067m ascent Ptarmigan November Meet high tea was at the Lade Inn, just outside Callande...