Sunday 13 December 2015

Highways Dec Meet Peebles

(13.12.2015) Dun Rig, 21km, 6hrs 38mins

Highways December meet. Started the walk at Orchard Mains South of Innerleithen. Headed NW over settlements skirting the side of Orchard Rig then the climb to Birks Hill 624m & Birkscairn Hill 661m. From here we followed the fence line SW to Stake Law 681m & then onto Dun Rig 744m. The snow was ankle deep at times but descending Dun Rig the snow was even deeper. It was hard going with deep snow & heather. Made our way SE over Whiteknowe Head 511m then a sort descent before a little climb to Deuchar Law 543m. Decended NE onto the Southern Upland Way then the B709 to Traquair. The weather was very cold with frost and deep snow but dry with clag over the summit of Dun Rig.

Sunday 6 December 2015

Ptarmigan Dec Meet (Fintry)

(6.12.2015) The Campsie Fells, 13km, 5hrs

Dropped off the bus at Glengoyne Distillery & headed E up to Dungoyne summit 427m. After the summit we headed NE over Garloch Hill 543m then Earl’s Seat 578m. Descended NE to 478m, Little Corrie & followed the ridge line around to Barniemore, Corrie of Balglass, Dunmore Fort/Turf Hill 343m & down into Fintry for a couple of pints & some live music in the Fintry Inn.  The weather was cold but dry with an occasional  snow shower.

Ptarmigan November Meet (Callander)

(6.11.2016) Ben Vane & Ben Ledi, 23km. 7hrs. 1,067m ascent Ptarmigan November Meet high tea was at the Lade Inn, just outside Callande...