Saturday 28 May 2016

Bridge of Orchy Camp & Munros

(28.5.16) Beinn Dorain & Beinn an Dothaidh, Bridge of Orchy: 16km, 7hrs 4 mins, 1238m ascent

Forecast looked good so left Edinburgh early afternoon, Citylink to Glasgow & then a change at Queen Street Station. A few hours later I arrived at Bridge of Orchy & camped behind the hotel in the forest. It was a very claggy morning as I packed up after breakfast & headed under the underpass at the Station, over the gate & out onto the open hillside. Climbed East up the grassy bowl of Coire an Dothaidh and then up to the bealach at 744m. Spoke to a couple who had camped out in the clag & then headed up the path South, Passed a large cairn, Sasunnaich (The Englishman’s Cairn) up to the next bealach, along the ridge & to the true summit. Did not hang about long as I was in the clag. Returned back to the bealach just as the clag lifted, revealing Glen Lyon. Headed NE on the path towards Beinn an Dothaidh. Headed for the 993m Top first before heading to the true summit at 1004m. I headed along the edge of the crags to the West Top & views over to Loch Tulla. Then South back to the path, bealach & down to the Bridge of Orchy Hotel & a quick pint before the Citylink bus in the sunshine. A nice wee solo adventure.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Highways Strontain Weekend Day 3: Beinn Resipol

(22.5.16) Garbh Eilean Wildlife hide & Beinn Resipol: 16km, 7hrs,24mins

The next day I wanted something abit easier. There was another group doing Rois Bheinn & pals but the quick way up minus the circuit. I would much prefer the circuit so left this for another time. Plus the forecast was not to be that great although an improvement on yesterday. Beinn Resipol fitted the bill for the day. We had the 2 cars so could do the through walk. In the Ariundle Centre there were other guests, geologists whos asked if we minded taking some tools up to get some rock samples. I accepted and took the tools, quite heavy I mind thinking. Sue wanted to get petrol at 11 so we killed some time by wandering around the Garbh Eilean Wildlife Hide. We parked up by the art gallery by Resipole & headed up, East, through the forest. Got the the summit and sure enough the clag came in. Decided to sit it out for a while as we had all day & sure enough we got a few views. I got the geologists tools out & chiped away at some rock but I found it hard so left it. Continued on East down the ridge. Descended SE by Leac Chlann Domhnuill Mhic Dhughaill to Bealach Nan Carn & took the track back to Ariundle. Sue got a lift back to Resipole to collect her car.

Saturday 21 May 2016

Highways Strontain Weekend Day 2: Streap

(21.5.16) Streap: 20km, 8hrs,33mins.

On the Saturday the forecast was pretty dire. Heavy rain & low cloud. The Streap circuit was another on John's to do list from the Ralph Storer book. We set off early on the drive however it wasn't till after 12 when we started walking. Had a cuppa in John’s wee van till the heavy rain eased off. Parked up at the side of the A830 & headed up the track NE through Gleann Dubh Lighe.We headed up the rough ground up one of the steep gullies to Bealach Coire nan Cearc. The wind picked up as we hit the bealach but it was not as strong as forcasted. There was no sign of more rain which was a bonus. Just low cloud. Nevertheless it was still an enjoyable ridge walk & one to return maybe even in winter. Didn't hang about long at the summit then made our way to Streap Comhlaidh: The descent South from Streap Comhlaidh felt like forever and ever before we got back to the glen. Popped into the Dubh Lighe bothy on the way back. Nice wee bothy. Need to return for a night there.

Friday 20 May 2016

Highways Strontain Weekend Day 1: Garbh Beinn Circuit

(20.5.16) Garbh Beinn Circuit Ardgour: 13km, 7hrs 50mins, 1,248m ascent

I had booked up for the Highways weekend to the Ariundle Centre near Strontian. The original plan was to head over Saturday as me and a friend had plans for the Five Sisters of Kintail however the forecast put paid to that idea. At the last minute I headed up on Friday with John as he was doing the Garbh Bheinn circuit. John has never been one for finishing the Munros or Corbetts but lately has had an interest in completing the routes on Ralph Storer's wee book '100 Best routes on Scottish Mountains.' Nice wee book. Bought it maself for a few bucks from Amazon.  The forecast for Friday was breezy with showers but an improvement in the afternoon. We started the walk 11sh near Inversanda. Once onto the ridge the wind picked up abit and we got hit with a shower but this quickly passed & the route ahead was clear. Headed over the minor humps & bumps & soon enough we were on the summit of Sgorr Mhic Eacharna. As I walked my mind wandered as to how many great wild camp spots there was around this area.  After the summit of Beinn Bheag we had a quick bite to eat then we eyed up our route right up the grassy gully. It was pretty steep but not as bad as it looked. The next section of Garbh Bheinn we headed left instead of taking the grassy gully to the right. This brought us up to a ledge with steep drops. From here though we did abit of scrambling and boulder hopping & before we knew it we were on the summit. Descended to the 823m top and then the SE ridge back to the start. Got to the Ariundle Centre & because I had only booked 2 nights I decided to camp at Ariundle Forest

Ptarmigan November Meet (Callander)

(6.11.2016) Ben Vane & Ben Ledi, 23km. 7hrs. 1,067m ascent Ptarmigan November Meet high tea was at the Lade Inn, just outside Callande...