Sunday 28 August 2016

Glencoe Weekend

(26-28.8.16) Meall Dearg & Garbh Bheinn (Glencoe weekend) 18km,7hours,1158m ascent.

Robin got in touch and asked if I fancied a weekend in Glencoe. He was taking his pal up Bidean. His pal then cancelled so the AE ridge was on the cards. Robin also got in touch with Stephen & Lee. We all met at the Red Squirrel campsite on Friday evening and friendships were formed over beers in the rain & at the Clachaig inn.  The forecast for the next day was overcast but to improve mid morning/afternoon. I had some reservations about the ridge as I always fancied it on a blue sky day.

Next again morning I awoke feeling a tad rough. First beers in a few weeks & a wee shot of jaegar from an old School mate of Stephen didn’t help. I was also feeling a tad nervous. The recent fatality last month was fresh in my mind. I knew I could cope with the scrambling no problem with having climbing experience yet the nerves kicked in a wee bit. The rain came on during the night too so I was aware the rock might be abit damp.

We met Peter at the car park then we were off on the ascent. Met a couple of fell runners near the summit of An Bodach who had been over the ridge saying it was abit slippy in places. This didn’t help the nerves. Then there was the steep decent down Am Bodach. I made sure I faced inwards at places. Nothing too difficult but the rock did feel abit greasy & very polished. Further on there was a solo walker who turned back half way along the ridge saying he never felt safe.

Met a couple of fell runners near the summit of An Bodach who had been over the ridge saying it was abit slippy in places. This didn’t help the nerves. Then there was the steep decent down Am Bodach. I made sure I faced inwards at places. Nothing too difficult but the rock did feel abit greasy & very polished. Further on there was a solo walker who turned back half way along the ridge saying he never felt safe. Got to the summit of Meall Dearg where we had a bite to eat & admired the ridge although the midges were out in force. Another 2 fell runners passed us saying the ridge was abit slippy in places but not too bad. Robin felt he wasn’t get enough purchase & grip & was unsure about continuing. He asked my thoughts & straight away I thought nah not the day for the AE ridge. With three traverses of the ridge under his belt if he was having doubts then I was certainly going to give it a miss. Said our goodbyes to Stephen, Peter & Lee as we headed down the North e ridge of Meall Dearg en route for the Crobett Garbh Bheinn. Maybe that was Robins plan all along ;)

 We thought about which way would be the best approach up the hill. In the end we went slightly to the East from the bealach then straight up the steep slopes, avoiding the scree as much as possible before we hit the summit. Robin got a phone call from Peter to say they were over the majority of the ridge & they could see us on Garbh Bheinn summit. We made our way down NW ridge to the top Stob Coire Sgoilte and it ook a while to get down as the terrain became pretty boggy. Wouldn't like to approach the hill from this side. We walked along the B863  for a few km with our hands out till a guy gave us a lift around to the campsite. Graham from Portobello of all places. There are still kind people in this world. Got back to the campsite with Robin realising his car keys were in Lee’s glove box. We passed the time letting the new tent neighbours dogs chase a ball we threw & booted towards each other until the others returned via the pap. The guys found the rock on the ridge drying up & said the hardest part was the descent from An Bodach.  Got food in the Clachaig later & had a great night on the sauce. It was good to meet fellow Shillers Stephen, Peter & hopefully a new member Lee when he joins.  A great day & not gutted at all I never did the ridge.  It’s always good to do a wee munro/Corbett combo. The ridge will always be there, the trick is to make sure you are too. ;-) Too be honest if I did the ridge then it would be highly unlikely I would do it again. Doing this walk I’ve seen another part of the Mountain with cracking views to the ridge & it turned into a good linear walk. I’ll be back, on a blue sky dry day.

Sunday 14 August 2016

Highways July Meet (The Lake District)

(10.7.2016) Dale Head & Cat Bells ridge (The Lake District) 19km.5hrs,42mins.1023m ascent

Me & Shane were dropped off the bus South of Derwent Water at Grange. Took the Cumbria Way & then headed West up the disused Rigghead Quarries. We took our time heading up the path by the slate, peering in the little caves that were scattered up the quarries. Got to Dalehead Tarn & nipped up the summit of Dale Head 751m before heading back to Dalehead Tarn. From Here we headed North along the ridge, luckily with the wind blowing us along, to High Spy, Maiden Moor, Cat Bells & back to Keswick. A good day with only an occasional shower

Ptarmigan November Meet (Callander)

(6.11.2016) Ben Vane & Ben Ledi, 23km. 7hrs. 1,067m ascent Ptarmigan November Meet high tea was at the Lade Inn, just outside Callande...