Thursday 16 April 2009

Pitlochry to Edinburgh cycle

Ben Vrackie 11.4.09, 2 hours 40 min. 841 metres.2759ft

Got the early morning train from Edinburgh to Pitlochry. Me and Bob cycled up to the car park at Moulin and then followed the straight forward path passed Loch a Choire to the summit. Weather was cloudy with sunny spells and the views at the summit were clear. Descended via the path back to Moulin and got back to catch the 2nd half of the Hearts vs Celtic game. Final score 1.1. The other boys arrived and we had a good scoop that night ending up in the local nightclub, well the pub turns into a nightclub.  

Ben Vrackie
Me on the climb
Summit view South
Bob at the summit view North
me at the summit
chilling in the hostel
Brock being Brock

12.4.09 Pitlochry to Killin. 38 miles, 61 km. 


Set off shortly after 11am from Pitlochry. Bob had to fix a puncture at the back of the hostel. Then Brock snapped his chain in the high street. A quick fix from Steve and Boab then we were on our way. Disaster struck again later on in a country road as steve got a puncture but fortunately Kieran had a spare inner tube. Had a bite to eat then we amused ourselves watching Brock spew his guts and groan about how shite he was feeling. Started on the road again after a good delay then Bob thought we were going the wrong way. I insisted that we were on the right road following the NCN 7 signs. It was a nice cycle following the river Tay along quite country roads. Stopped off at Strathtay for lunch next to a small shop and a house with a very cute big white dog. The next part of the journey was tough cycling along a busy B road for 4 mile until we took a 1 mile detour to Aberfeldy for refreshments. Then we headed to Kenmore on the banks of Loch Tay for the next stop for food. We were also lucky with the weather as the sun was shining. The last part of the day was tough going cycling the quiet country road with steep hills on the south side of loch Tay. All in all the the journey took us roughly 8 hours with 200m of ascent
                      Killin was a welcome site as me and kieran had a pint in the Killin hotel overlooking the falls of dochart then bought a bottle of strongbow. We stayed in the hostel and some ignorant bint told Brock n that to turn the tv down. Then later she came and sat down in the living room bit when we watched match of the day and hummed and hawed. Boot!

leaving Pitlochry
Brock feeling ill
crossing the River Tay
the lads
Leaving Aberfeldy
Loch Tay from Kenmore
Andy & Brock on a hill
the Loch Tay B road
Loch Tay
Beinn Ghlas & Ben Lawers

13/4/09 Killin to Callander, 26 mile,41 km. Ascent average 300m. Average time 8 hours

 From Killin we cycled south through a traffic free path in Achran forest and then we gradually climbed up before we had to cross the A84. From here we cycled down the old Oban to Callander railway line down through Glen Ogle and over the viaduct. The traffic free path then descended with views towards Loch Earn. Other sections of this cycle included the old miltary road. We then cycled west and stopped off at Rob Roys grave at Balquhidder. Then headed South with views of Loch Voil before going through Strathyre forest. This is where Brock sped ahead past a horserider. The horse jumped and the rider shoutedobscenities at Brock. The route then followed a traffic free path along Loch Lubnaig. Ben Ledi was bagged as a de-tour from the cycling trip.

the Falls of Dochart, Killin
on the move
break time
on the move
Glen Ogle Railway
Glen Ogle Railway
Loch Earn
heading south
Rob Roys grave Balquhidder
lads paying their respects
Loch Voil
Loch Lubnaig
Just passed the strathyre forest cabins near the pass of leny, me and steve chained up the bikes and followed the path through the forest into the felled area and 2 hours up and down to the summit of Ben Ledi.The day was hazy with sunny spells.

Steve on the ascent

view west

me at the summit

summit ridge

view SW to Callander

Loch Lubnaig

Ben Ledi from Callander

                After the hill we cycled back to meet the boys for a pint in a boozer and decided to get a bbq. Got maself another bottle o strongbow. Cycled to the hostel out in the middle of nowhere especially catered for cyclists. Kieran made some cracking burgers as me and webb booted the ball aboot. German boab was getting ratty with the bbq getting andy telt about the bbq. Later on we had a game o cards to pass the time as the bevy and banter flowed. Again it roughly took us 8 hours with 300m of ascent

Boab on the bbq
the lads

(14/4/09) Callander to Stirling. Average 18 mile 28 km.

We cycled to Stirling from Callander starting off along a busy main A road before cycling onto a B road and quiet country roads passing Doune and Bridge of Allan. We stopped for lunch at Doune castle, where they filmed monty python and the holy grail. The rest of the lads left but me and andy wondered around the area looking to see if we could see the bridge in the film. We never found it so headed back to Doune to ask a local women in a shop the best route to take to Stirling. We went via quiet backroads passing a few farms. Caught up with the boys in Bridge of Allan and had a pint before we cycled into Stirling looking for the hostel. The day rained in drops with occasional sunny spells.Average time 5-6 hours.

                     I got the bus to Tillicoultry and climbed Ben Cleuch, the highest in the Ochills, in the early evening.I got back and andy made me pasta. We then watched the Chelsea vs Liverpool champions league match, 4.4 and chelsea went through. Brock gave andy it tight because of his swearing. There were americans in the room but andy wasnt holding back. Andy and me amused ourselves later by watching wee dafties fighting and running on a bus.

Doune Castle
Andy at Doune Castle
View from Ben Cleuch
Misty Ben Cleuch summit

(15.4.09)  Stirling to Edinburgh - Musselburgh.47 mile, 75 km

Left Stirling and headed to Edinburgh via NCN. The route followed the north side of the river forth passing Alloa, Kincardine,  Culross following the coast with traffic free sections muddy sections and B roads. The day was very cloudy with zero visibility on the forth road bridge. The cycle wasnt particularly interesting following Kincardine power station, a local nature reserve. Stopped off for lunch in Culross. From Stirling it was 29 miles to forth road bridge then 3 and a half mile to Dalmeny for a quick pint before 14 and a half miles to Musselburgh. Left Stirling at 10am arrived musselburgh at 19.00 Average time 10 hours.

leaving Stirling

break at the River Forth
The Forth Road Bridge

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