Saturday 3 December 2011

The Pentland Hills

(3.12.2011) Allermuir Hill, 493m,7km, 2 hours

From the Hillend car park, me and neil took a short circular walk in the Pentlands South then SW along the ridge to Caerketton Hill and then Allermuir Hill before returning North and then East. Weather was sunny and cold.

Saturday 30 July 2011

Pico de la Zarza

29.7.2011. Pico de la Zarza (Mount Jandia) 807m 5 hours. 18km. Jandia Peninsula, Jandia National Park (Fuerteventura)

I stayed in Caleta de Fuste and got the first bus to Morro Jable at 9.30 which took 1 hour & 15 mins. The only downside to this was that by the time I hit the summit it was the back of 12 and I felt battered by the sun. I’m sure heat exhaustion began to set in. Occasionally clouds covered the sun, which was very welcome in the 30 degree heat. Followed the signs onto the broad volcanic shoulder and then followed the path before a steep ascent to the summit & an inversion. I returned the same way.

Saturday 2 July 2011

Ben Vorlich (Loch Lomond)

(1-2.7.2011) Ben Vorlich (Loch Lomond) Wild camp & circular walk from Ardlui. 9km. 7 hours

I made my way along to the start of the walk at Stuckendroin Farm. The plan was to walk up to the SE ridge of Stuc na Nughinn and set up camp but as time wasn’t on my side, not to mention the wind that was picking up, I decided to set up camp on a nice wee flat spot behind some crags. I think I was roughly 450 m high according to the map. It was a calm night and I set my alarm for 4.30 to get a couple of sunrise shots and then back in the warm ten till 8. Breakfast then tent packed up before I set off at 9 with the sun beating down on me. After passing several small knolls, the route reaches the first of the Little Hills, upon which is possibly the best view of the walk, with the whole of Loch Lomond visible. Summit 793 descended to the col at 739 then back up to next summit at 808 before next col at 763 steep descent then re ascent before zig zagging to summit. The next part of the climb involved a steep descent before a re-ascent towards the summit of Ben Vorlich..The final pull to the top of the mountain first ascends surprisingly to the right of a set of crags, with a final section over easier terrain to the trig point at 941m and the true summit, perched on crags, at 943m.  It is a short walk to the North Summit (931m) and then I descended by going NNW to avoid the cliffs at the top of Coire Creagach and then NE down an obvious ridge, to the col of Stob nan Coinnich Bhacain, before dropping into the valley then rough pastureland, back to the shores of Loch Lomond under the railway at Garristuck cottage. Back in Ardlui I made a wee stop at the shop next to the hotel for coke and choc then sat waiting for the train at 17.50.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Beinn Each

(10.6.2011 Beinn Each 813m 4hours, 8km)

 Parked in the layby on the A84 near Loch Lubnaig. Followed the path NE through plantation and the track out into Glen Ample. Took the path east as it zig zags up then NW up to the summit. Then we descended SE following an old fence then SW following Bealach Coire nan Saighead back to the path and back to Glen Ample.Weather overcast but clear visibility. Rain near the end of the walk as we headed back to Strathyre campsite. 

Thursday 17 February 2011

Glen Kendrum

(17.2.2011) Glen Kendrum 7 hours, 22km

Started at Lochearnhead with Russell, along the main road. Up by the church then zig zagged sustrans national cycle network route. Followed the path NW up Glen Kendrum to the col at the fence post. Ascended W up Meall an t-Seallaidh between creag loisgte and cam chreag to the lochan at 750m but turned back due to heavy snow and white out conditions.

Ptarmigan November Meet (Callander)

(6.11.2016) Ben Vane & Ben Ledi, 23km. 7hrs. 1,067m ascent Ptarmigan November Meet high tea was at the Lade Inn, just outside Callande...