Monday 2 June 2008

Ben Alder Exped

(30.05.08) Dalwhinnie – Curla Bothy:16 km, 4-5 hours, Ascent 460m

Met the rest of the lads at Dean Bridge, Bob, Paul and Gaz, then Steve picked us up in the auld beast. An ancient mini bus that was on its last legs but it still did the job. Chucked out gear at the back and we were on our way up north. A few hours later we stopped off at Perth Tesco for scran and bevy. I got 2 bottles of wine and 2 cans, I always over pack. Arrived at Dalwhinnie, got our gear, food and bevy then started the walk, along the land rover track beside Loch Ericht and through Loch Ericht forest. The walk took a while, especially with a heavy 80k rucksack. Stopped for a wee bite to eat just ahead of Ben Alder Lodge then continued, heading NW along the landrover track to Loch Pattack and then SW onto the path on the slopes of Meall Beag, following the Allt a Chaoil reidhe. The views opened as we could see Curla Bothy in the distance surrounded by the majestic Mountains of the central Highlands, particularly Ben Alder looming.  Finally got to the bothy, dumped our gear and had a wee look around in the rooms. In the evening me and Steve took a wander up the slopes of Carn Dearg. After a bite to eat and chilling by the river we took a walk along the land rover track below Coire Sron an Nid around the area at Loch Pattack. Headed back for some wine and a good bit of banter as Gaz pulled oot his guitar for a sing song. Later we were joined in bothy for a chat with some old boy and then a guy who was a dentist.

Track at Loch Ericht
The lads near Loch Pattack
En route to the bothy
Nearing the bothy
The lads at Curla Bothy
Chilling in the bothy
Curla Bothy

(31.5.08) Ben Alder: 9 hours, Ascent 1148m/ 3766ft

Woke up in the morning to find an old boy mucking about with the fire. Shortly after, big Kenny arrived after beasting on through the night to the bothy from Dalwhinnie, much respect. Had breakfast, got our gear ready and we were off around 10.30 in sunny warm weather. From curla bothy we followed the path south west, up beside the Allt a Bhealaich Bheithe stream where we filled out water bottles. Followed this path up by Loch a' Bealach Beithe, around the loch below the slopes of Beinn Bheoil and then ascended Bealach Breabag to 833m. From here we took a break for a scran and then scrambled North West up Ben Alder's western slopes dodging the snow sheets, up to the flat plateau and the summit of Ben Alder. After some pictures and a bite to eat we headed west on Ben Alders flat plateau, curving all the way around this magnificent mountain, walking on grassy slopes and rocky terrain. We descended via the North West scree slopes, avoiding the cliffs at Coire na slopes down to the Bealach Dubh path then back East to curla bothy. A long, great day out in sunny warm weather with clear visibility.  My feet were in bits back at the bothy so soaked them in the river. Made our tea and then got stuck into the rest of our bevy.

Crossing the Allt a Bhealaich Bheithe
Starting the walk
The lads taking a break
Following the Allt a Bhealaich Bheithe
The lads at Loch a' Bealach Beithe
Looking back to Loch a' Bealach Beithe
Having a break
On the ascent looking South to Loch Ericht

Steve on Ben Alder's Western slopes
Me on Ben Alder
Looking East on Ben Alder's slopes
At the summit
Lads at the summit
Heading West on the plateau
Kenny, the loneliest man in the world
Ben Alder's Grassy slopes
Descending the North West scree
Descending North West
The Bealach Dubh
Admiring a waterfall

(1.06.08) Curla Bothy - Dalwhinnie:16 km, 4-5 hours, Ascent 460m

Packed up in the morning after breakfast then started the journey back to Dalwhinnie and then back to Edinburgh. Walked back in the sun, reflecting on a great weekend.

Ben Alder
Big Kenny, the wise tent
Ben Alder
The last goodbye
The walk back
Back at the bus

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