Saturday 19 October 2013

The Easain's

(19.10.13) Stob Coire Easain & Stob a’Choire Mheadhoin: 7hours, 16km,1294m ascent

Very early start as Lucas picked me up around 5.30. Forecast wasn’t great,clag base around 600m. Took the minor road at Fersit and parked N of An Dubh Lochan. Headed over the scrub and the fence in a S direction to the minor summit of Creag Fhinaclach above Loch Treig. Then we headed over and scrambled up  Meall Cian Dearg via the path. The ridge became broad again as we headed SW climbing gently up to the top at 978m before curving above Stob a’Choire Mheadhoin 1105m. Saw a group of ptarmigan but apart from that views where zero as we were in thick clag. It wa cold on the summit with a light drizzle. Again I worried about tinnitus but I was okay. A couple of pics at the summit then we descended to the bealach then followed the steep path to the summit of Munro number 2 Stob Coire Easain 1115m. Couple of pics then descended back the way we came NE.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Meall Greigh, Meall Garbh & An Stuc

(28.9.13) Meall Greigh, Meall Garbh & An Stuc,7 hours,16.5km,ascent 1288m

Another early start with Lucas picking me up 6sh. Parked at the Lawers hotel & walked along to Machuim farm and then followed the track up on the east side of the Lawers burn. Headed N up through the morning clag to an inversion. As we climbed the grassy slopes there was great views over to An Stuc & Ben Lawers as the clag poured along the slopes whisping around giving a spectacular sight. The summit of Meall Greigh 1001m, was clag free and above the summits. Few pictures then we descend along the ridge W to the bealach of Lairig Innein. Lucas realised he didn’t have his GPS so ran back up & luckily found it at the summit. I felt okay but abit concerned about my tinnitus and ear pressure. Climbed the slopes NW then SW onto the ridge which curves to the left and into the clag. Hit the summit, Meall Garbh,1118 m then we had a quick check of the GPS. I took a bearing then we headed to the next bealach SW. Had something to eat before we prepared ourselves for the scramble. All fears were quickly eroded as it turned out to be a great wee scramble. There was a faint path as we looked up and chose our route scrambling up with our hands and feet. It was pretty steep at times but nothing too scary in the way of exposure. We hit the summit, Meall Garbh,1118m again in the clag. Had another bit to eat. Descended SW down the SE ridge to Bealach Dubh then SE down the steep grassy gully by the stream to Lochan nan Cat. Headed E along the S side of the Lochan follwing the path  to a dam used by the Lawers hydro scheme. Followed the track SE by the Lawers Burn and onto a clear path that keeps high above the Lawers ravine. Descended into the ravine and crossed a footbridge before rejoining the outward route and back to the start.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Glas Maol Munro Circuit

(14.9.13) Glas Maol Munro Circuit, Cairnwell Pass.6.5 hours,20km,Ascent 1033m

 Crashed at Steve’s for the weekend. Up early, dropped off Helen in Perth then headed North to Glenshee. Parked at the lay by on the east side of the A83 and followed the grassy path by the old stone bridge, part of the old military road from Perth to Braemar. Headed E up the glen of the Allt a Garbh-choire. Passes sets of old shielings as the terrain changed from grassy heathery slopes to loose scree. I had a headache at the back of my head as we aproached the summit. It must’ve been the cold and the altitude. The climb was hard going but we finally made the summit of Carn an Tuirc,1019m. Took a few pics before we headed E then SE crossing the vast plateau and followed the path. Followed a line of fence posts and a drystone wall to the summit of Cairn of Claise, 1064m Headed SW along the broad ridge and stopped for a bit to eat. Banter flowed about characters from Teuch, yeeeaaappp and looking over to good views to the cliffs down into Caenlochan Glen. Continued over and then a gentle ascent to the summit of Glas Maol,1068m. Few pics then we were off heading W and then S over Bathach Beag to the bealach 932m and shelter. Headed over Cul Riabach on the ridge and ascended to the stoney summit of Creag Leacach, 987m and our 4th and final Munro of the day. Headed back N to the W slope of Glass Maol the picke up the path NW to Meall Odhar 922m. Then headed W down the land rover track beside the ski paraphenelia and heather bashed N then over onto the A93 and a short walk back to the start. Lost my map and my hat but i told steve to drive back along the road slowly and sure enough found it. Popped in for a coffee in the Glenshee ski centre and then headed back down the road. A great and epic day. Back was sore especially ascending Glass Maol but eased off after that. Summits were clear with sunny spells and light rain towards the end of the walk.

Saturday 31 August 2013

An Caisteal & Beinn a’Chroin

(31,8,13) An Caisteal & Beinn a’Chroin, 6.5 hours, 15km, ascent 1095m

Lucas picked me up at 6am and headed up by Crianlarich for 8sh. There was blue sky but it didnt last as we headed under the railway and uphill as the win battered us with drizzly rain, S Up the ridge to Sron Garbh.  I was abit concerned but we carried on along the ridge to Twistin Hill. Every now and again the wind eased as we scrambled up and down the rocky sections. There was a steep scramble before the summit of An Caisteal,995m which was shrouded in clag. It then cleared as we descended diagonally & steeply SE to Bealach Buidhe 805m.  The path then heads SE up the steep buttress of Beinn a’Chroin which was an enjoyable scramble up the the plateau. The wind had eased & the cloud was overcast but above the summits with occasional glimpses of the sun.  Headed E over the rocky lumps and tiny lochans to the summit of Beinn a’Chroin,942m. Headed NE down the grassy ridge to Coire Earb & NW over the River Falloch to the landrover track and back to the start.

Saturday 3 August 2013

Meall Buidhe/Glen Lyon Wild Camp

(2.8.13) Meall Buidhe 932m,Glen Lyon, 3 hours, Ascent 551m

A good mate of mine Scott had been harping on at me for a while now about taking him for a wee hike up north so I thought of Meall Buidhe which could be done in an evening stroll followed by a wee wild camp. The MWIS for the Friday highlighted 80% chance of cloud free Munro's so we set off from the burgh in the afternoon with a stop off en route in Callander for their braw pies and a few tins. In his case a bottle o buckie. You can take the man out of Glasgow but cant take the Glasgow out of the man. Got suited and booted for 5sh before we set off along the landrover track above Lochan na cat then up the boggy'sh path NW to the summit ridge. Views opened up over to the Lawers. Soon as we hit the ridge the wind battered us. Met another walk highlander coming from the summit. Rusty guy, hope you enjoyed your can. Brief views over towards Schiehallion and Loch Rannoch. Got to the summit and the waterproofs came on as the clag and rain descended upon us. The wind was pretty strong thus the clag soon passed and the distant lochans shone over on Rannoch Moor. Back to the car within 3 hours and found a wee camp spot further along the glen where we set up the tents and had a good scoop. Woke up being surrounded by highland coos. Apart from the odd back pain twinge I felt relatively good.

Sunday 21 July 2013

The Pentland Hills

(21.7.2013) Nine mile burn to Balerno via Scald law, Average distance,time 12km, 5 hours

Me and Miles got a lift from his old man to nine mile burn. Headed in a N direction up past Font Stone to Cap Law then ascended the steep slopes E to West Kip 551m, slight descent then reascent to East Kip 534m. Climbed the grassy slopes SE to South Black Hill then NE over to Scald Law 579, the highest in the Pentlands. From here we descended its steep slopes N down by a roman fort to the Howe and followed the path NW to Harelaw Castle and Balerno. The weather was in the mid twenties, hot and sunny. I felt okay too.

Ptarmigan November Meet (Callander)

(6.11.2016) Ben Vane & Ben Ledi, 23km. 7hrs. 1,067m ascent Ptarmigan November Meet high tea was at the Lade Inn, just outside Callande...