Saturday 31 August 2013

An Caisteal & Beinn a’Chroin

(31,8,13) An Caisteal & Beinn a’Chroin, 6.5 hours, 15km, ascent 1095m

Lucas picked me up at 6am and headed up by Crianlarich for 8sh. There was blue sky but it didnt last as we headed under the railway and uphill as the win battered us with drizzly rain, S Up the ridge to Sron Garbh.  I was abit concerned but we carried on along the ridge to Twistin Hill. Every now and again the wind eased as we scrambled up and down the rocky sections. There was a steep scramble before the summit of An Caisteal,995m which was shrouded in clag. It then cleared as we descended diagonally & steeply SE to Bealach Buidhe 805m.  The path then heads SE up the steep buttress of Beinn a’Chroin which was an enjoyable scramble up the the plateau. The wind had eased & the cloud was overcast but above the summits with occasional glimpses of the sun.  Headed E over the rocky lumps and tiny lochans to the summit of Beinn a’Chroin,942m. Headed NE down the grassy ridge to Coire Earb & NW over the River Falloch to the landrover track and back to the start.

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