Monday 16 March 2015

Highways Weekend Tulloch Station

(14.3.2015) Beinn Teallach & Beinn a’ Chaorainn, 23km, 8hours

Climbed with a 3 night stay at Tulloch Station on the WHW line with the Highways Hillwalking Club.  Me, Sandy and Shane headed N from Tulloch Station then along the A86 before heading through the forest at Burnside Cottage. Headed out onto the open hillside before back into a forest and around felled trees. Realised we made a mistake entering the forest. Backtracked then made our way E, crossing the footbridge over the Feith Shiol. The Allt a'Chaorainn looked difficult to cross without descending so we followed the path N then ascended the Southern slopes of Beinn Teallach first. The going up the slopes was easy with soft snow until ice, crispy hard with soft snow at the summit at 915m. Good views all around. Descended down the NE ridge, slid a wee bit. Had a bite to eat near the bealach at 614m. We then began the climb, which was tiring for me, SE up to the top at 1043m then contined S along the ridge, keeping well away from the edge as there was alot of cornices. The ground underfoot was occasionally hard and icy but also soft. Soon reached the summit at 1052 and then onto the Southern top before descending SW, crossing the Allt a'Chaorainn  and then returning back to Tulloch Station.

(15.3.2015) Chno Dearg & Stob Coire Sgriodain, 18.5km, 7hrs

Next again day after a good breakfast, me and sand set off for Fersit, along the railway line. Passed the farm, South through the gate out onto open boggy moorland.  At around 400m it was time to put on the crampons due to the overnight frost and the icy snow on the North facing slope. Patches of snow required kicking in steps up the steep gullys up by  Sron na Garbh-bheinne and again before we hit the ridge and the summit of Stob Coire Sgriodain. Had a bite to eat while enjoying the views down Loch Treig. Continued on SW over the rocky and icy terrain down to the tops at 958m, 924m and 923m. We then headed NE ascending the SW  slopes of Chno Dearg. There was a strong wind at the summit so didn’t linger long. Descended NW down the slopes of Chno Dearg using the survival bag to make light work of the snow and made our way back to Tulloch Station. The day was clear and sunny with the wind picking up later.

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