Sunday 14 June 2015

Highways June Meet Glen Etive

(14.6.2015) Beinn Fhionnlaidh (Glen Etive) 14.5km, 6hrs

Myself, Sandy, Tom & Shane had a straight forward walk up Beinn Fhionnlaidh on a nice wee braw day.  Dropped off the club bus at Inverchaman on the Glen Etive road  and took the landrover track  NWup through Glen Etive Forest out onto the open hillside then a steep wee climb up to the minor top Meall nan Gobhar. From here it was a case of following a faint path and picking a route over the scree and boulders to the ridge then following the ridge to the summit. Spent a while at the summit soaking up the rays and enjoying the views. From Starav & pals, Cruachan, Glencoe peaks, out to Mull and even the Paps of Jura visible.  Headed back East on the ridge to the 841m Eastern top before descending SE back through Glen Etive forest back to the bus.

Sunday 7 June 2015

Ptarmigan June Meet (Drumochter 4)

(7.6.2015) The Drumochter Four, 20km, 7hrs,36min

The Ptarmigan June bus destination was to Glen Feshie. Me & Sandy were dropped off by the club bus on a lay by near the Drumochter summit and headed West on the track into Coire Dhomhain. As the tracked curved we began the ascent over boggy ground and heather up onto the broad ridge, SW curving around Coire Creagach to the summit of Sgairneach Mhor 991m. After a bite to eat we took a bearing W to the bealach then up the stony South ridge to the summit of Beinn Udlamain 1010m. Practiced timing and pacing due to the easy underfoot conditions of the Drumochter hills plus the summits were in the clag. Did this in a NE direction down the broad ridge and took a bearing over the 892m,902m, &861m tops along the plateau to the summit of A' Mharconaich 975m. Headed back SW and then descended NW to the bealach near Coire Fhar before ascending North on the South slopes of Geal-charn 917m. After the summit. Descended NE from the summit down to Balsporran Cottages where we waited for the bus and counted cars going back and forward to pass the time. The weather was a strong 45mph North Westerly with minus 10 wind chill which eased in the afternoon. There was also a light hail & rain shower.

Ptarmigan November Meet (Callander)

(6.11.2016) Ben Vane & Ben Ledi, 23km. 7hrs. 1,067m ascent Ptarmigan November Meet high tea was at the Lade Inn, just outside Callande...