Sunday 14 June 2015

Highways June Meet Glen Etive

(14.6.2015) Beinn Fhionnlaidh (Glen Etive) 14.5km, 6hrs

Myself, Sandy, Tom & Shane had a straight forward walk up Beinn Fhionnlaidh on a nice wee braw day.  Dropped off the club bus at Inverchaman on the Glen Etive road  and took the landrover track  NWup through Glen Etive Forest out onto the open hillside then a steep wee climb up to the minor top Meall nan Gobhar. From here it was a case of following a faint path and picking a route over the scree and boulders to the ridge then following the ridge to the summit. Spent a while at the summit soaking up the rays and enjoying the views. From Starav & pals, Cruachan, Glencoe peaks, out to Mull and even the Paps of Jura visible.  Headed back East on the ridge to the 841m Eastern top before descending SE back through Glen Etive forest back to the bus.

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