Saturday 14 May 2016

Kilchurn Castle Wild Camp & Hills

(14.5.16) Beinn a'Chochuill and Beinn Eunaich: 7hrs, 15min, 17km.

Forecast looked good for Saturday & had my eye on these 2 for a while. I thought it would be good to take in a wild camp for an early start. Forecast was to be cold so a high camp was out of the question (With ma bulky gear) Set off 5sh from the Burgh & after the madness of Queen Street Station I was on the Oban train. Left the train at 8.45 & took a wander around to the castle.

Set up the tent just behind the castle to block the cold North Easterly breeze. Cooked ma tea, had a wander taking a few pics & enjoyed a cheeky wee can of Guinness. Up after 6 with frost on the tent. It was a cold but comfortable night. Made breakfast & packed up before chatting to a couple of fishermen that had set up around the castle & headed on. Ditched most of my camping gear at the corner of the B8077 road then I set off for the hills. Took the track North up and around before striking uphill to the bealach then onto the summit of Beinn a’Chochuill. Ended up chatting with a guy from Cumbernauld, Bryan & ended up walking around together. Got to the summit & chilled for a while taking a few pics. Headed East back to the bealach and then onto Beinn Eunaich. After Beinn Eunaich, we descended South & on steep ground down to the track & back to Bryan’s van. Instead of waiting for the train back to Glasgow & then onto Edinburgh, Bryan gave me a lift to Sloy station which was near his house. It meant I got home pretty quick. He also had an old postie van which he converted & had a fridge so a couple of cold beers was welcome. Cheers Bryan.  

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