Monday 30 April 2007


(24.2.2007)  Started in Kenmore and me, Steve and Kenny followed NCN 7 lochs and glens north route along the quiet country road at Loch Tay road South to Killin. Stopped off to sample the local Killin pies and we returned the same way with the weather being cloudy, cold and rain. Total distance cycled was 32 mile.
Loch Tay
Cycle buds
(29/4/2007) Drove to Kinloch Rannoch and me, Steve and Kenny began cycling south of Loch Rannoch along the quiet country road, through Tummel Forest Park. Joined up with the B846 road at the end of the Loch and continued on passed Loch Eigheach until the end of the road at Rannoch station where we stopped for lunch. The day was blazing sunshine and superb views across towards Rannoch Moor, Ben Nevis and Glencoe in which you could see snow on the tops of the distant Munro's. Followed the road back but continued on around to the north shore of the loch with some beautiful beaches on the loch and the mighty peak of Schehallion towering over Loch Rannoch. Height climbed was 305m and the average distance cycled 51km/32 mile. Kinloch Rannoch to Rannoch Station via north side of the loch, 15.1 miles and 15.9 via Rannoch south.

Kev & Steve Loch Rannoch South

Loch Rannoch South

Steve and Kenny

Loch Eigheach
Rannoch Moor
Rannoch Moor

Rannoch Station

Rannoch Station

Loch Rannoch North

Loch Rannoch North

Kinloch Rannoch

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