Monday 17 August 2015

Corrour Weekend

(16.8.2015)Beinn na Lap (Corrour) 13km, 6hrs 30min

As the weather was so good for the Sunday/Monday I thought about walking through Glen Nevis to Corrour then realised I could use the Sunday train home to get off at corrour then get an extra train Monday evening. As we arrived at Fort Bill the Sunday evening train was cancelled and they were advising folk not to travel to Corrour. On the train tho the ticket collecter told me the mon evening train was defo running. Said Goodbye to My sister and dave as I departed the train & walked East along the track to the fork & turned left at the road to the isles track. Ditched some of my gear in the hydro pipes then took the boggy path up to the West ridge of Beinn na lap. The views opened up as I made my way along the broad ridge of Ceann Caol Beinn na Lap NE to the summit. Wandered over to the 905m top & then returned back to the summit & descended NW just above Leth Cheann a’ Bhealaich back to the hydro works. Had a quick bite to eat then re-packed my gear before making my way to the track South of Loch Ossian. I had hear the folk at the lodge were not keen on wild campers so I made it to the start of the tree line at Luib Riabhach & ascended to around 450m to set up the tent on a nice flat bit. Made my tea then in the tent as the midges were horrific. The weather was sunny & cloudy.

(17.8.2015) Carn Dearg & Sgor Gaibhre (Corrour) 20km,9hrs

 Woke up around 7 to a beautiful morning and made breakfast. Had porridge with midge as the midges were horrific and packed my gear for the day, leaving the rest for my return. From my camp spot I made my way up towards the path then followed this up to Peter’s stone. From here I headed East up the open slope towards Meall na Letire Duibhe & then SE along the broad shoulder around Coire Creagach to the summit of Carn Dearg. Descended NE down the ridge to the bealach Mam Ban. From here I descended slightly S into Coire Eigheach to find a water source as I ran out. Back up to the bealach there was the short pull up to the summit of Sgor Gaibhre 955m. Had lunch & enjoyed the views towards Ben Alder & Loch Ericht. Descended NW to  the Bealach nan Sgor & then up to the top  Sgor Choinnich. Continued NW across to Meall Nathrach Mor then onto Meall Nathrach Beag before hitting the path through the forest by the Allt a’ Choire Chreagaich. Headed West on the track South of Loch Ossian for a few km till I found the point where the tree line ended. Ditched the bag & climbed up to retrieve the rest of my camping gear. Sorted my bag then continued along by the Hostel then Corrour Station where I cooked some pasta and waited for the train home. It was a warm day with sunny spells. 

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